Ear Nose Throat Diseases
The cause of persistent bad breath should be investigated
Temporary bad breath may be associated with hunger or a throat infection. About 90% of bad breath is caused by oral and dental diseases and ear, nose and throat diseases. Throat infections, sinuses connected to the throat, lung diseases can be listed among the main causes of bad breath. However, if the odour is persistent and felt for a long time, it increases the possibility of other diseases that may cause odour.
The cause of bad breath may be "Reflux...
If bad breath is not due to dental diseases or throat infections, it should be remembered that the odour may be caused by stomach diseases. For example, "reflux", which is quite common in the society, is a stomach disease that can cause bad breath. In reflux patients, the odour of the stomach contents is felt in the breath as the fluids in the stomach pass into the oesophagus.
Esophageal diseases can also cause bad breath
Bubbles in the oesophagus, called "diverticula", can prevent the food taken from going down into the stomach and cause it to accumulate in this bubble. Foods that cannot be digested in the stomach are digested by the bacteria in the bubble and this is reflected in the breath as a bad odour. Endoscopy method is used for the diagnosis of the disease. Removal of the bubble with surgical intervention eliminates the bad odour felt in the breath.
Another disease that causes bad breath is "achalasia".
In this disease, the lower end of the oesophagus contracts and cannot pass the incoming food downwards. During the digestion of food that has been in the oesophagus for a long time by bacteria, a bad odour is released through the breath.
Unhygienic food triggers stomach bacteria
"Helicobacter pylori", which develops with bacteria in the stomach and is a very common stomach disease, is also thought to cause bad breath. It has been found that when this disease, which is more common in societies with inadequate hygiene, is treated, bad breath also disappears.
"Halitosis can be seen in stomach cancer, but..."
A dead tissue appears in the stomach outlets of people with stomach cancer. In the place where this dead tissue is, bacteria that start to feed from here are derived. This situation causes an extremely bad odour. However, if stomach cancer is advanced enough to cause bad breath, it means that it has given other findings beforehand. Therefore, the person with bad breath should not worry that the cause of this odour is stomach cancer.
If your bad breath does not go away despite everything...
Although there is no problem with the health of the mouth, teeth and ear, nose, throat; in complaints of persistent bad breath, it should be investigated whether there is a systemic disease or a disease originating from the digestive system. Necessary doctor controls and examinations should be carried out to determine the condition causing bad breath and the most appropriate treatment should be determined.